Banks abuse people because it's as easy as using a radar gun at the bottom of a hill to give out speeding violations.
Banks use one simple rule to abuse their customers. Bankers and the U.S. government require a DEFAULT before any debt can be restructured.
That's it!
The speed trap at the bottom of the hill is forcing anybody who wants to restructure a debt into default first. Whether you have a student loan, a mortgage, or a credit card debt, presently there can be no debt restructuring unless a default first occurs.
Debt restructuring is NOT debt forgiveness. Debt restructuring simply means the bankers need to work with the debtor so that the debtor can at the very least pay back the principle that they owe.
It's time to get past how evil the banks are and instead focus on changing one simple banking rule of law. Debt restructuring SHOULD NOT require a default first.
Change this one rule, save the world's middle class from the clutches of the elite rich and their unending thirst for perpetual trillions of dollars in profits from unsavory loans.
Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.