The goal of Bloggers against Chase Bank is simple. Get Chase Bank to reverse their decision to raise the monthly minimum payment from 2% to 5% on existing low interest rate credit card loans to over a million of their most trustworthy and reliable customers.
If Chase bank does not reverse their decision by July 15th of 2009, then this blog will advocate the removal of one Chase Bank Board member AND the reversal of their decision to raise the monthly minimum payment from 2% to 5% on their most trustworthy and reliable customers.
After July 15th, new dates will be set for the removal of a SECOND board member along with the reversal of the 2% to 5% raise of the monthly minimum payment on their most trustworthy and reliable customers.
How does Bloggers against Chase Bank know that Chase Bank has targeted their most trustworthy and reliable customers and set them towards a path of credit default? Because the only way to keep a Chase Bank, life of the loan, low interest rate credit card loan is to never be late making a payment.
Chase Bank has targeted over a million trustworthy and reliable customers for economic hardship, and this blog's goal is protect the very backbone of america, people who have earned these great low interest rate deals and have kept their end of the bargain by diligently paying down these credit cards.
The question now becomes, can Chase Bank keep their word and stick to the original agreement they had with their customers? If Chase Bank cannot stick to the original low interest credit card deal, can Chase Bank at the very least allow all of their customers the RIGHT to OPT OUT of the CHANGE IN TERMS that is now being forced on their unwilling customers.
Thanks for the follow; I have a number of updates on my blog - I now have emailed Senator Dodd from Connecticut and Rep DeLauro.
We'll have to see how I make out on that.
I'll post a summary of all historical posts from the active Chase Bank SUCKS thread and come back here and drop the URL
Thanks again and more power to all of us "customers"
So here is that link to all the posts (and I am hoping that I am not breaking this blog site's rules cross posting - if I am I apologize now):
Chase Bank SUCKS – Links to the recent 6 posts and a follow from BLOGGERS AGAINST CHASE BANK!AA559A45099B2EBD!6078.entry
Glad to have you on board Jason.
JASON's Blog Against Chase.
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