Over the past few years, I have blogged about various Chase Bank atrocities. It's actually painful to recall them all and recount them here simply because I know those actions have hurt millions of Chase Bank customers. All this while Barack Obama, who admires Jamie Dimon and has publicly said so, did very little.
Did you know the credit card reform bill act of 2009 was postponed a year by Nancy Pelosi so Barack Obama could take credit for it, and then the bill was watered down!
Did you know a key provision of the credit card reform bill act, the right to opt out of a change in terms, was lobbied against by Chase Bank and subsequently taken out of the credit card reform bill act!
Did you know the credit card reform bill act of 2009 was postponed a year by Nancy Pelosi so Barack Obama could take credit for it, and then the bill was watered down!
Did you know a key provision of the credit card reform bill act, the right to opt out of a change in terms, was lobbied against by Chase Bank and subsequently taken out of the credit card reform bill act!
I would call some of Chase Bank's actions during Jamie Dimon's reign financial terrorism that resulted in good, hard working, middle class americans unfairly losing their homes.
However, it appears the acts of financial terrorism that Chase Bank has successfully completed against middle america were not enough to avoid financial losses elsewhere, resulting in a recent admission by Jamie Dimon that Chase Bank has lost 2 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2012.
However, one of the major networks news programs happily reported that Chase Bank owns 2 trillion dollars worth of properties, therefore while the 2 billion dollars was a big deal, it was actually a very small percentage of their overall wealth. And yet, Chase Bank has just been hit with ANOTHER class action lawsuit over how their alleged delay in how they apportion home mortgage payments results in more penalties against the backbone of our country.
In 2009, when Chase Bank ANNIHILATED their BEST, MOST HONEST, LONGEST TENURED credit card customers by forcing them to make 5% monthly minimum payments, (an additional 150% monthly payment above and beyond the 2% minimum they were already paying) on low interest rate, life of the credit card loan, they probably brought in additional revenue of anywhere from 100 million to a couple of billion dollars PER MONTH!
On top of that, those who suddenly defaulted on their Chase Bank credit card payment because they could not afford a 150% monthly minimum payment increase above and beyond the 2% monthly minimum payment they were already making, would have then had their 2.9% interest rate raised to 29%.
Once that ultra high 5% monthly minimum payment was defaulted upon by the previously relatively perfect rated credit rating customer, (only those with excellent payment histories got the very low interest rate for the life of the credit card loan deal) that customer was suddenly facing a lawsuit from Chase Bank.
An imminent court judgement against them, and possibly the loss of their home, especially if they were on a fixed budget and suddenly faced with a damaged credit history resulting in other credit cards raising their interest rates to the formerly excellent credit card customer.
An imminent court judgement against them, and possibly the loss of their home, especially if they were on a fixed budget and suddenly faced with a damaged credit history resulting in other credit cards raising their interest rates to the formerly excellent credit card customer.
Lets also not forget the unfair freezing of home equity lines that could also then result in the theft of the home by Chase Bank, along with the home equity that Chase Bank suddenly denied to the customer. Here is the Home Equity Line Class Action Lawsuit against Chase Bank.
What about the monthly commission Chase Bank gets on each and every person who receives a government payout each month?
Chase also forced homeowners to carry excessive amounts of flood insurance, resulting in another class action lawsuit.
Chase also forced homeowners to carry excessive amounts of flood insurance, resulting in another class action lawsuit.
So the question I have is, if Chase Bank has been financially terrorizing some of their main street customers in a myriad of ways and profiting handsomely from those acts of financial terrorism, how could they still be losing money?
Please Download the Chase Bank Protest Protest Flyer for FREE, and then all that needs to be done is just give a few copies out, it is really that simple.
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